Twenty Years & Four Kids Later

I almost can’t even talk about the process of moving from a home we lived in for 20+ years where we raised all four kids. My mercy alive! Even if we weren’t downsizing from an over 4,000 square foot house (where we used every inch when the kids were home) to a 1,400 square foot home, the task was paralyzing. Seriously, at several different times I considered running away, never to return.

Prior to really trying to find our piece of heaven, I started cleaning out and purging things we no longer needed or wanted. Well, the basement was a situation all its own and not included in the above statement. I seriously thought I was in good shape. Boy was I wrong. It literally took us over a month to get completely out of the house. Those last couple of weeks were pure misery, and a few tears were shed. It was exhausting and I never, ever, NEVER, want to go through that again.

I guess if I want to find a shining light in all the work it took to move, I’d say it allowed/provided me a way to re-visit and reminisce. I packed my grandmother’s china remembering all the meals we ate at her table. I carefully wrapped my mama’s crystal glasses that survived our house fire when I was in high school. I rediscovered box after huge box of photos of my babies thereby sitting for hours going through them all. Very begrudgingly I packed up books, decorations, and toys to be given away. Every closet, every drawer, and each cabinet held memories to be cherished. This house had been our home where we raised all four of our children, and three grandbabies came to us there. The longer the packing and moving took, the harder it was on my heart. This particular address will be the place my children remember growing up in, and I’m so glad.

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